7. Paste the URL http://localhost:8080 in your browser to browse to the Jenkins page.

8. To unlock Jenkins, paste the random password that you wrote down in the previous step or copy it from the user account folder, from the file C:Users<your_user_account_folder_name>.jenkinssecretsinitialAdminPassword. Paste it in the Administrator password field and click on the “Continue” button.

9. Install the suggested plugins or customize plugins installation according to your needs. We will install the default suggested plugins.

10. Wait for the plugins to complete the installation.

11. Create an admin user and click “Save and Continue.”

12. Click “Save and Finish” to complete the process.

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13. Finally! Click “Start using Jenkins” Virtualbox mac mojave install. Hotspot shield full version with crack. to start Jenkins.

14. Here is the default Jenkins page. You can create your first job!

Great! Everything is ready! Now, you can start creating your workflows. To learn how to use Jenkins, check out these resources:

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Published at DZone with permission of Phi Nguyen, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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